Want to have a booth?
Payson Aerofair 2024 will be at the Payson Airport on October 19 from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
10' x 10' booths are FREE for nonprofit and recruiting information.
There is a deposit of $250 for food trucks, $125 for food booths, and $100 if for-profit, refunded to vendors who appear. Deposits are waived for Black Hawk, Beech, and Cessna sponsors.
A suggested donation of $50 to help with the costs of fuel, facilities, etc. would be appreciated.
Vendors and Exhibitors will be allowed to set up from 8:00-9:30AM on October 19. No vehicles will be allowed inside the gates after 9:30AM. Bring your exhibit materials in, leave them in your booth space and return for set up. No vehicles will be permitted to remain inside the airport exhibit area. We will provide a shuttle back to the entrance. Your booth must remain until 2:00pm. A shuttle will take you back to get your vehicle and you will be led back into the exhibit area for tear down. No vehicles will be permitted on the airport between 9:30 and 2:00.
Exhibitor to provide power and water.
Click here for fillable booth request form